Monday, June 25, 2007

Bali - Kuala Lumpur

After staying in Bali for a little more than a week I felt it was time to move further, and I decided Malaysia would be my next target. The last days in Bali were a lot of fun, and I met a very nice guy from England, Guy, that I spent a lot of time surfing with. He also taught me a lot about technique and about reading the waves. I also met a Canadian couple (Luis and Isabelle), and the three of us got invited to a party with the locals, which always is a lot of fun. I also went rafting on a river with Luis and Isabelle, which was my first time ever rafting. Great experience, and incredible scenery along the river!
In the hotel was also three other Norwegians, so I got to talk a little Norwegian again which is weird after a week of not using it.

Being late at the airport is never a good thing, especially when you have overstayed your visum by six days. I was extremely lucky and met the right guy on the right day. He was willing to accept a bribe of 1,1 mill Rp (660 NOK, about a month salary) and give me a fake departure card. This saved me a lot of time and also it saved me some money. I would probably not have made the plane without this service.

Well, it's time to explore Kuala Lumpur... first I'm going to the telecom tower which is about 276 m high, just to get a good view of the city. It's always a good way to start. After that I'm going shopping for a new memory card for my camera. I will be staying here at least one more night, depending on how much there is to see. I don't want to spend too much time because I have a new plan (my first plan actually) which is getting a international diving certificate in Thailand. This is going to take some days to do, so I have to plan ahead.
Take care everybody! :)


baldero said...

Bribing's good. If you get any problems in KL, say you are a friend of Ticki (the famous fighter), say hello to him from me and he'll help you out..

See you in Thailand buddy

Eva Tuer said...

En kollega sier at i Kuala Lumpur får du gode fake klokker.
Ellers god tur til Thailand!