Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Koh Phangan and Ko Tao

After experiencing the jungle i went back to KL and then directly to Thailand. The bus was overnight, and quite comfortable if you don`t look at the fact that we had to exit the bus four times during the night in order to get checked out of Malaysia and get a visum to Thailand.

I arrived in Hat Yai early in the morning, and from there I got another ticket to Don Sak. On this trip I met a Swedish guy, Andreas, that was living on an island called Tioman in Malaysia. He was only supposed to withraw some money from an ATM machine, but ended up traveling to Thailand to meet som friends. We both had to stay one night on the island Koh Phangan, which is a famous party destination for tourist. We had a good time, and as one bucket turned into many (it's very popular to drink from buckets here), one night turned into two.

The second day we met two very nice Danish girls that agreed to take care of our luggage so we could just enjoy the coinience of sleeping at the beach. We had a great night with a lot of fun, and did as planned stay the night at the lovely beach.

No the inconvinient thing about passing out in an open area is that the chance of being robbed drasticly increases. And so did happen! I had a feeling it would be a bad thing to bring my camera, but I thought "Heck, I'm a grown up now, I can take care of it." Well, appearently not. So the camera with most of my photos is gone, along with my sandals. (Who takes a pair of sandals?) Anyway, I still have all the photos from the first two weeks of my trip, and I can always get a new camera.

Well, eventually I made it to the island Koh Tao, which is a divers paradise. I signed up for a complete PADI course, which certifies me to dive where and whenever I want. It only costs me about 1800 NOK which is less than half of the price it would be in Norway. So far I'm really enjoying it! :)

Would send pictures.. but yeah - you know!
Take care! :)

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